Artwork of Boldore
Name Boldore (french: Géolithe, japonais: ガントル Gantle)
Genus Ore Pokémon
Height 0.9 m
Weight 102 kg
  1. Sturdy
  2. Weak Armor
  3. Sand Force
Egg groups
  1. Mineral
Hatch time 4080 steps
Effort points
  • +1 Attack
  • +1 Defense
Base experience 137 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 059 860 exp.
Gender ratio 50.0% female, 50.0% male
Color Blue
Capture rate 120
  • Black

    When it overflows with power, the orange crystal on its body glows. It looks for underground water in caves.

  • White

    Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals.

  • Black 2

    When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left to right.

  • White 2

    When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left to right.

  • X

    Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals.

  • Y

    When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left to right.

  • Omega Ruby

    Because its energy was too great to be contained, the energy leaked and formed orange crystals.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    When it is healthy, its core sticks out. Always facing the same way, it swiftly moves front to back and left to right.

  • Sun

    Its orange crystal is a mass of energy. Just one crystal fragment would provide enough fuel for a hundred dump trucks.

  • Moon

    It explores caves in search of underground water. It’s not comfortable around water, so this Pokémon takes great care in lapping it up.

  • Ultra Sun

    The energy overflowing from its body has turned into orange crystals that are hard enough to smash diamonds.

  • Ultra Moon

    Its orange crystals are lumps of powerful energy. They’re valuable, so Boldore is sometimes targeted for them.

  • Sword

    If you see its orange crystals start to glow, be wary. It’s about to fire off bursts of energy.

  • Shield

    It relies on sound in order to monitor what’s in its vicinity. When angered, it will attack without ever changing the direction it’s facing.

Moves learned per level by Boldore
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Power Gem 25 80 100 20
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Power Gem 25 80 100 20
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Power Gem 25 80 100 20
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Power Gem 0 80 100 20
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Power Gem 1 80 100 20
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Power Gem 0 80 100 20
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Power Gem 1 80 100 20
Stealth Rock 1 20
Mud-Slap 12 20 100 10
Smack Down 16 50 100 15
Iron Defense 20 15
Headbutt 24 70 100 15
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Rock Blast 36 25 90 10
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 54 250 100 5
Power Gem 0 80 100 20
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Power Gem 1 80 100 20
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Sand Attack 1 100 15
Headbutt 1 70 100 15
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Harden 1 30
Harden 4 30
Sand Attack 7 100 15
Headbutt 10 70 100 15
Rock Blast 14 25 90 10
Mud-Slap 17 20 100 10
Iron Defense 20 15
Smack Down 23 50 100 15
Power Gem 25 80 100 20
Rock Slide 30 75 90 10
Stealth Rock 36 20
Sandstorm 42 10
Stone Edge 48 100 80 5
Explosion 55 250 100 5
Moves learned by machines by Boldore
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Secret Power TM94 70 100 20
Nature Power TM96 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Nature Power TM96 20
Rest TM21 10
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Attract TM31 100 15
Sandstorm TM32 10
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Rock Tomb TM48 60 95 15
Sand Tomb TM49 35 85 15
Rock Blast TM54 25 90 10
Round TM76 60 100 15
Bulldoze TM81 60 100 20
Stomping Tantrum TM98 75 100 10
Earthquake TR10 100 100 10
Substitute TR20 10
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Iron Defense TR46 15
Power Gem TR63 80 100 20
Earth Power TR67 90 100 10
Flash Cannon TR70 80 100 10
Stone Edge TR75 100 80 5
Stealth Rock TR76 20
Heavy Slam TR79 100 10
Body Press TR99 80 100 10
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Nature Power TM96 20
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Explosion TM64 250 100 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Nature Power TM96 20