Artwork of Cradily
Name Cradily (french: Vacilys, japonais: ユレイドル Yuradle)
Genus Barnacle Pokémon
Height 1.5 m
Weight 60. kg
  1. Suction Cups
  2. Storm Drain
Egg groups
  1. Water 3
Hatch time 7905 steps
Effort points
  • +2 Special Defense
Base experience 173 exp.
Experience at level 100 600 000 exp.
Gender ratio 12.5% female, 87.5% male
Color Green
Capture rate 45
  • Ruby

    CRADILY roams around the ocean floor in search of food. This POKéMON freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and captures unwary prey using its eight tentacles.

  • Sapphire

    CRADILY’s body serves as an anchor, preventing it from being washed away in rough seas. This POKéMON secretes a strong digestive fluid from its tentacles.

  • Emerald

    It drags its heavy body along the seafloor. It makes its nest in the shallows of warm seas. CRADILY can be seen on beaches when the tide goes out.

  • FireRed

    It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding.

  • LeafGreen

    It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding.

  • Diamond

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • Pearl

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • Platinum

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • HeartGold

    It lives in warm seas. Its heavy body weighs it down so it won’t get washed away in rough weather.

  • SoulSilver

    It lives in warm seas. Its heavy body weighs it down so it won’t get washed away in rough weather.

  • Black

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • White

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • Black 2

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • White 2

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • X

    It lives in the shallows of warm seas. When the tide goes out, it digs up prey from beaches.

  • Y

    It ensnares prey with its eight tentacles. It then melts the prey with a strong acid before feeding.

  • Omega Ruby

    Cradily roams around the ocean floor in search of food. This Pokémon freely extends its tree trunk-like neck and captures unwary prey using its eight tentacles.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    Cradily’s body serves as an anchor, preventing it from being washed away in rough seas. This Pokémon secretes a strong digestive fluid from its tentacles.

  • Ultra Sun

    Normally, it lived on shallow sea shoals. When the tide went out, this Pokémon came up on land to search for prey.

  • Ultra Moon

    This carnivorous Pokémon lived in primordial seas. It catches prey in its eight tentacles and dissolves them with digestive fluid as it eats.

  • Sword

    It has short legs and can’t walk very fast, but its neck and tentacles can extend to over three times their usual length to nab distant prey.

  • Shield

    Once Cradily catches prey in its tentacles, it digests them whole and absorbs their nutrients.

Moves learned per level by Cradily
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Constrict 8 10 100 35
Acid 15 40 100 30
Ingrain 22 20
Confuse Ray 29 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Ancient Power 48 60 100 5
Stockpile 60 20
Spit Up 60 100 10
Swallow 60 10
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Constrict 8 10 100 35
Acid 15 40 100 30
Ingrain 22 20
Confuse Ray 29 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Ancient Power 48 60 100 5
Stockpile 60 20
Spit Up 60 100 10
Swallow 60 10
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Constrict 8 10 100 35
Acid 15 40 100 30
Ingrain 22 20
Confuse Ray 29 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Ancient Power 48 60 100 5
Stockpile 60 20
Spit Up 60 100 10
Swallow 60 10
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Wring Out 1 100 5
Acid 5 40 100 30
Ingrain 9 20
Confuse Ray 13 100 10
Ancient Power 17 60 100 5
Brine 21 65 100 10
Giga Drain 26 75 100 10
Gastro Acid 31 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Energy Ball 44 90 100 10
Stockpile 52 20
Spit Up 52 100 10
Swallow 52 10
Wring Out 61 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Constrict 8 10 100 35
Acid 15 40 100 30
Ingrain 22 20
Confuse Ray 29 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Ancient Power 48 60 100 5
Stockpile 60 20
Spit Up 60 100 10
Swallow 60 10
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Wring Out 1 100 5
Acid 5 40 100 30
Ingrain 9 20
Confuse Ray 13 100 10
Ancient Power 17 60 100 5
Brine 21 65 100 10
Giga Drain 26 75 100 10
Gastro Acid 31 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Energy Ball 44 90 100 10
Stockpile 52 20
Spit Up 52 100 10
Swallow 52 10
Wring Out 61 100 5
Wrap 1 15 90 20
Acid 1 40 100 30
Leech Seed 1 90 10
Confuse Ray 1 100 10
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Ingrain 12 20
Ancient Power 16 60 100 5
Mega Drain 20 40 100 15
Brine 24 65 100 10
Amnesia 28 20
Gastro Acid 32 100 10
Giga Drain 36 75 100 10
Stockpile 43 20
Spit Up 43 100 10
Swallow 43 10
Energy Ball 48 90 100 10
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Wring Out 1 100 5
Acid 5 40 100 30
Ingrain 9 20
Confuse Ray 13 100 10
Ancient Power 17 60 100 5
Brine 21 65 100 10
Giga Drain 26 75 100 10
Gastro Acid 31 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Energy Ball 44 90 100 10
Stockpile 52 20
Spit Up 52 100 10
Swallow 52 10
Wring Out 61 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Stockpile 1 20
Spit Up 1 100 10
Swallow 1 10
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Wring Out 1 100 5
Acid 8 40 100 30
Ingrain 15 20
Confuse Ray 22 100 10
Amnesia 29 20
Ancient Power 36 60 100 5
Gastro Acid 46 100 10
Energy Ball 56 90 100 10
Stockpile 66 20
Spit Up 66 100 10
Swallow 66 10
Wring Out 76 100 5
Acid 1 40 100 30
Constrict 1 10 100 35
Ingrain 1 20
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Constrict 8 10 100 35
Acid 15 40 100 30
Ingrain 22 20
Confuse Ray 29 100 10
Amnesia 36 20
Ancient Power 48 60 100 5
Stockpile 60 20
Spit Up 60 100 10
Swallow 60 10
Moves learned by machines by Cradily
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Infestation TM83 20 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Secret Power TM94 70 100 20
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Infestation TM83 20 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Hyper Beam TM08 150 90 5
Giga Impact TM09 150 90 5
Solar Beam TM11 120 100 10
Dig TM15 80 100 10
Rest TM21 10
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Giga Drain TM28 75 100 10
Attract TM31 100 15
Sandstorm TM32 10
Sunny Day TM34 5
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Rock Tomb TM48 60 95 15
Bullet Seed TM50 25 100 30
Mud Shot TM53 55 95 15
Rock Blast TM54 25 90 10
Brine TM55 65 100 10
Round TM76 60 100 15
Bulldoze TM81 60 100 20
Grassy Terrain TM88 10
Swords Dance TR00 20
Body Slam TR01 85 100 15
Earthquake TR10 100 100 10
Amnesia TR17 20
Substitute TR20 10
Sludge Bomb TR22 90 100 10
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Seed Bomb TR59 80 100 15
Energy Ball TR65 90 100 10
Earth Power TR67 90 100 10
Power Whip TR72 120 85 10
Stone Edge TR75 100 80 5
Stealth Rock TR76 20
Grass Knot TR77 100 20
Sludge Wave TR78 95 100 10
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Infestation TM83 20 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Wave TM34 95 100 10
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Flash TM70 100 20
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Infestation TM83 20 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bullet Seed TM09 25 100 30
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Giga Drain TM19 75 100 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Solar Beam TM22 120 100 10
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Sludge Bomb TM36 90 100 10
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15