Artwork of Kommo-o
Name Kommo-o (french: Ékaïser, japonais: ジャラランガ Jyararanga)
Genus Scaly Pokémon
Height 1.6 m
Weight 78. kg
  1. Bulletproof
  2. Soundproof
  3. Overcoat
Egg groups
  1. Dragon
Hatch time 10455 steps
Effort points
  • +3 Defense
Base experience 300 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 250 000 exp.
Gender ratio 50.0% female, 50.0% male
Color Gray
Capture rate 45
  • Sun

    When it spots enemies, it threatens them by jingling the scales on its tail. Weak opponents will crack and flee in panic.

  • Moon

    Its rigid scales function as offense and defense. In the past, its scales were processed and used to make weapons and other commodities.

  • Ultra Sun

    When it howls after finishing off its prey, the metallic sounds of its celebrating comrades can be heard from all around.

  • Ultra Moon

    It battles valiantly with its fists, which are armored in steel scales. Kommo-o specializes in uppercuts.

  • Sword

    It clatters its tail scales to unnerve opponents. This Pokémon will battle only those who stand steadfast in the face of this display.

  • Shield

    Certain ruins have paintings of ancient warriors wearing armor made of Kommo-o scales.

Moves learned per level by Kommo-o
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Clanging Scales 0 110 100 5
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Leer 1 100 30
Bide 1 10
Protect 1 10
Belly Drum 1 10
Sky Uppercut 1 85 90 15
Autotomize 1 15
Clanging Scales 1 110 100 5
Leer 5 100 30
Bide 9 10
Protect 13 10
Dragon Tail 17 60 90 10
Scary Face 21 100 10
Headbutt 25 70 100 15
Work Up 29 30
Screech 33 85 40
Iron Defense 38 15
Dragon Claw 43 80 100 15
Noble Roar 51 100 30
Dragon Dance 59 20
Outrage 67 120 100 10
Clanging Scales 0 110 100 5
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Leer 1 100 30
Protect 1 10
Belly Drum 1 10
Autotomize 1 15
Dragon Tail 1 60 90 10
Clanging Scales 1 110 100 5
Scary Face 12 100 10
Headbutt 16 70 100 15
Work Up 20 30
Screech 24 85 40
Iron Defense 28 15
Dragon Claw 32 80 100 15
Noble Roar 38 100 30
Dragon Dance 44 20
Outrage 52 120 100 10
Close Combat 60 120 100 5
Clangorous Soul 68 100 5
Boomburst 76 140 100 10
Clanging Scales 0 110 100 5
Tackle 1 40 100 35
Leer 1 100 30
Bide 1 10
Protect 1 10
Belly Drum 1 10
Sky Uppercut 1 85 90 15
Autotomize 1 15
Clanging Scales 1 110 100 5
Leer 5 100 30
Bide 9 10
Protect 13 10
Dragon Tail 17 60 90 10
Scary Face 21 100 10
Headbutt 25 70 100 15
Work Up 29 30
Screech 33 85 40
Iron Defense 38 15
Dragon Claw 43 80 100 15
Noble Roar 51 100 30
Dragon Dance 59 20
Outrage 67 120 100 10
Close Combat 75 120 100 5
Moves learned by machines by Kommo-o
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Work Up TM01 30
Dragon Claw TM02 80 100 15
Roar TM05 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Taunt TM12 100 20
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Safeguard TM20 25
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Flamethrower TM35 90 100 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Aerial Ace TM40 60 20
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Brutal Swing TM59 60 100 20
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Payback TM66 50 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Dragon Tail TM82 60 90 10
Poison Jab TM84 80 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10
Mega Punch TM00 80 85 20
Mega Kick TM01 120 75 5
Fire Punch TM03 75 100 15
Ice Punch TM04 75 100 15
Thunder Punch TM05 75 100 15
Hyper Beam TM08 150 90 5
Giga Impact TM09 150 90 5
Screech TM16 85 40
Safeguard TM19 25
Rest TM21 10
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Scary Face TM26 100 10
Attract TM31 100 15
Sandstorm TM32 10
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Revenge TM42 60 100 10
Brick Break TM43 75 100 15
Rock Tomb TM48 60 95 15
Payback TM57 50 100 10
Fling TM59 100 10
Drain Punch TM63 75 100 10
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Round TM76 60 100 15
Bulldoze TM81 60 100 20
False Swipe TM94 40 100 40
Brutal Swing TM97 60 100 20
Stomping Tantrum TM98 75 100 10
Breaking Swipe TM99 60 100 15
Swords Dance TR00 20
Flamethrower TR02 90 100 15
Low Kick TR07 100 20
Earthquake TR10 100 100 10
Substitute TR20 10
Reversal TR21 100 15
Outrage TR24 120 100 10
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Iron Tail TR31 100 75 15
Uproar TR35 90 100 10
Taunt TR37 100 20
Superpower TR39 120 100 5
Hyper Voice TR42 90 100 10
Iron Defense TR46 15
Dragon Claw TR47 80 100 15
Bulk Up TR48 20
Dragon Dance TR51 20
Close Combat TR53 120 100 5
Aura Sphere TR56 80 20
Poison Jab TR57 80 100 20
X-Scissor TR60 80 100 15
Dragon Pulse TR62 85 100 10
Focus Blast TR64 120 70 5
Flash Cannon TR70 80 100 10
Iron Head TR74 80 100 15
Stealth Rock TR76 20
Work Up TR85 30
Body Press TR99 80 100 10
Work Up TM01 30
Dragon Claw TM02 80 100 15
Roar TM05 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Taunt TM12 100 20
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Safeguard TM20 25
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Flamethrower TM35 90 100 15
Sandstorm TM37 10
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Aerial Ace TM40 60 20
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Brutal Swing TM59 60 100 20
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Payback TM66 50 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Rock Polish TM69 20
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Dragon Tail TM82 60 90 10
Poison Jab TM84 80 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Flash Cannon TM91 80 100 10