Artwork of Marshadow
Name Marshadow (french: Marshadow, japonais: マーシャドー Marshadow)
Genus Gloomdweller Pokémon
Height 0.7 m
Weight 22. kg
  1. Technician
Egg groups
  1. Undiscovered
Hatch time 30855 steps
Effort points
  • +2 Attack
  • +1 Speed
Base experience 300 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 250 000 exp.
Gender ratio Asexual
Color Gray
Capture rate 3
  • Sun

    Able to conceal itself in shadows, it never appears before humans, so its very existence was the stuff of myth.

  • Moon

    It lurks in the shadows of others, copying their movements and powers. This Pokémon is craven and cowering.

  • Ultra Sun

    It slips into the shadows of others and mimics their powers and movements. As it improves, it becomes stronger than those it’s imitating.

  • Ultra Moon

    It sinks into the shadows of people and Pokémon, where it can understand their feelings and copy their capabilities.

  • Sword

    By slipping into the shadow of a martial arts master and copying their movements, this Pokémon learned the ultimate techniques.

  • Shield

    This Pokémon can conceal itself in any shadow, so it went undiscovered for a long time.

Moves learned per level by Marshadow
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Fire Punch 1 75 100 15
Ice Punch 1 75 100 15
Thunder Punch 1 75 100 15
Counter 1 100 20
Pursuit 1 40 100 20
Assurance 1 60 100 10
Drain Punch 1 75 100 10
Shadow Sneak 1 40 100 30
Laser Focus 1 30
Force Palm 5 60 100 10
Feint 11 30 100 10
Rolling Kick 15 60 85 15
Copycat 20 20
Shadow Punch 26 60 20
Role Play 30 10
Jump Kick 35 100 95 10
Psych Up 41 10
Spectral Thief 45 90 100 10
Close Combat 50 120 100 5
Sucker Punch 56 70 100 5
Endeavor 60 100 5
Fire Punch 1 75 100 15
Ice Punch 1 75 100 15
Thunder Punch 1 75 100 15
Counter 1 100 20
Feint 1 30 100 10
Copycat 1 20
Shadow Sneak 1 40 100 30
Role Play 9 10
Shadow Punch 18 60 20
Force Palm 27 60 100 10
Assurance 36 60 100 10
Sucker Punch 45 70 100 5
Drain Punch 54 75 100 10
Psych Up 63 10
Spectral Thief 72 90 100 10
Laser Focus 81 30
Endeavor 90 100 5
Close Combat 99 120 100 5
Fire Punch 1 75 100 15
Ice Punch 1 75 100 15
Thunder Punch 1 75 100 15
Counter 1 100 20
Pursuit 1 40 100 20
Assurance 1 60 100 10
Drain Punch 1 75 100 10
Shadow Sneak 1 40 100 30
Laser Focus 1 30
Force Palm 5 60 100 10
Feint 11 30 100 10
Rolling Kick 15 60 85 15
Copycat 20 20
Shadow Punch 26 60 20
Role Play 30 10
Jump Kick 35 100 95 10
Psych Up 41 10
Spectral Thief 45 90 100 10
Close Combat 50 120 100 5
Sucker Punch 56 70 100 5
Endeavor 60 100 5
Moves learned by machines by Marshadow
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Work Up TM01 30
Calm Mind TM04 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Return TM27 100 20
Shadow Ball TM30 80 100 15
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Low Sweep TM47 65 100 20
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Will-O-Wisp TM61 85 15
Acrobatics TM62 55 100 15
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Payback TM66 50 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Psych Up TM77 10
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Poison Jab TM84 80 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Mega Punch TM00 80 85 20
Mega Kick TM01 120 75 5
Fire Punch TM03 75 100 15
Ice Punch TM04 75 100 15
Thunder Punch TM05 75 100 15
Hyper Beam TM08 150 90 5
Giga Impact TM09 150 90 5
Rest TM21 10
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
Thief TM23 60 100 25
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Will-O-Wisp TM38 85 15
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Swift TM40 60 20
Revenge TM42 60 100 10
Brick Break TM43 75 100 15
Rock Tomb TM48 60 95 15
Bounce TM52 85 85 5
Payback TM57 50 100 10
Assurance TM58 60 100 10
Fling TM59 100 10
Drain Punch TM63 75 100 10
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Low Sweep TM75 65 100 20
Round TM76 60 100 15
Hex TM77 65 100 10
Acrobatics TM78 55 100 15
Phantom Force TM86 90 100 10
False Swipe TM94 40 100 40
Low Kick TR07 100 20
Agility TR12 30
Substitute TR20 10
Reversal TR21 100 15
Outrage TR24 120 100 10
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Shadow Ball TR33 80 100 15
Superpower TR39 120 100 5
Blaze Kick TR41 85 90 10
Bulk Up TR48 20
Calm Mind TR49 20
Close Combat TR53 120 100 5
Aura Sphere TR56 80 20
Poison Jab TR57 80 100 20
Focus Blast TR64 120 70 5
Zen Headbutt TR69 80 90 15
Iron Head TR74 80 100 15
Stone Edge TR75 100 80 5
Grass Knot TR77 100 20
Foul Play TR81 95 100 15
Work Up TR85 30
Throat Chop TR95 80 100 15
Work Up TM01 30
Calm Mind TM04 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Protect TM17 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Return TM27 100 20
Shadow Ball TM30 80 100 15
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Low Sweep TM47 65 100 20
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Will-O-Wisp TM61 85 15
Acrobatics TM62 55 100 15
Shadow Claw TM65 70 100 15
Payback TM66 50 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Psych Up TM77 10
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
Poison Jab TM84 80 100 20
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10