Artwork of Pinsir
Name Pinsir (french: Scarabrute, japonais: カイロス Kailios)
Genus Stag Beetle Pokémon
Height 1.5 m
Weight 55 kg
  1. Hyper Cutter
  2. Mold Breaker
  3. Moxie
Egg groups
  1. Bug
Hatch time 6630 steps
Effort points
  • +2 Attack
Base experience 175 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 250 000 exp.
Gender ratio 50.0% female, 50.0% male
Color Brown
Capture rate 45
  • Red

    If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing it around and toss it hard.

  • Blue

    If it fails to crush the victim in its pincers, it will swing it around and toss it hard.

  • Yellow

    Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can't move if it's cold, so it lives in warm places.

  • Gold

    With its horns, it digs burrows to sleep in at night. In the morning, damp soil clings to its body.

  • Silver

    Swings its long antlers wildly to attack. During cold periods, it hides deep in forests.

  • Crystal

    When the tempera­ ture drops at night, it sleeps on treetops or among roots where it is well hidden.

  • Ruby

    PINSIR is astoundingly strong. It can grip a foe weighing twice its weight in its horns and easily lift it. This POKéMON’s movements turn sluggish in cold places.

  • Sapphire

    PINSIR has a pair of massive horns Protruding from the surface of these horns are thorns. These thorns are driven deeply into the foe’s body when the pincer closes, making it tough for the foe to escape.

  • Emerald

    Their pincers are strong enough to shatter thick logs. Because they dislike cold, PINSIR burrow and sleep under the ground on chilly nights.

  • FireRed

    Its two long pincer horns are powerful. Once they grip an enemy, they won’t release until the foe is torn.

  • LeafGreen

    If it fails to crush the foe in its pincers, it will swing around and toss the opponent.

  • Diamond

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • Pearl

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • Platinum

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • HeartGold

    With its pincer horns, it digs burrows to sleep in at night. In the morning, damp soil clings to its body.

  • SoulSilver

    It swings its long pincer horns wildly to attack. During cold periods, it hides deep in forests.

  • Black

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • White

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • Black 2

    It grips prey with its powerful pincers and will not let go until the prey is torn in half.

  • White 2

    It grips prey with its powerful pincers and will not let go until the prey is torn in half.

  • X

    It grips prey with its pincers until the prey is torn in half. What it can’t tear, it tosses far.

  • Y

    It swings its long pincer horns wildly to attack. During cold periods, it hides deep in forests.

  • Omega Ruby

    Pinsir is astoundingly strong. It can grip a foe weighing twice its weight in its horns and easily lift it. This Pokémon’s movements turn sluggish in cold places.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    Pinsir has a pair of massive horns. Protruding from the surface of these horns are thorns. These thorns are driven deeply into the foe’s body when the pincer closes, making it tough for the foe to escape.

  • Sun

    It grips its prey in its pincers and splits them apart. Although it is a powerful Pokémon, it can’t deal with the cold.

  • Moon

    One solid blow from its horns is enough to split apart a large tree. Its greatest rival in Alola is Vikavolt.

  • Ultra Sun

    It gets into territorial disputes with Vikavolt. For some reason, it apparently gets along well with Heracross in Alola.

  • Ultra Moon

    Although it’s tough, it can’t handle cold well. When night falls, it buries itself in leafage and sleeps.

  • Let's Go, Pikachu!

    Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can’t move if it’s cold out, so it lives in warm places.

  • Let's Go, Eevee!

    Grips its prey in its pincers and squeezes hard! It can’t move if it’s cold out, so it lives in warm places.

  • Sword

    These Pokémon judge one another based on pincers. Thicker, more impressive pincers make for more popularity with the opposite gender.

  • Shield

    This Pokémon clamps its pincers down on its prey and then either splits the prey in half or flings it away.

Moves learned per level by Pinsir
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 11 30
Revenge 15 60 100 10
Brick Break 18 75 100 15
Vital Throw 22 70 10
Submission 26 80 80 20
X-Scissor 29 80 100 15
Storm Throw 33 60 100 10
Thrash 36 120 100 10
Swords Dance 40 20
Superpower 43 120 100 5
Guillotine 47 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 13 30
Revenge 18 60 100 10
Brick Break 21 75 100 15
Vital Throw 25 70 10
X-Scissor 30 80 100 15
Thrash 35 120 100 10
Swords Dance 38 20
Submission 42 80 80 20
Guillotine 47 30 5
Superpower 52 120 100 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 7 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 13 100 20
Harden 19 30
Revenge 25 60 100 10
Brick Break 31 75 100 15
Guillotine 37 30 5
Submission 43 80 80 20
Swords Dance 49 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 7 30
Bind 13 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 19 100 20
Harden 25 30
Guillotine 31 30 5
Submission 37 80 80 20
Swords Dance 43 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 13 30
Revenge 18 60 100 10
Brick Break 21 75 100 15
Vital Throw 25 70 10
X-Scissor 30 80 100 15
Thrash 35 120 100 10
Swords Dance 38 20
Submission 42 80 80 20
Guillotine 47 30 5
Superpower 52 120 100 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 7 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 13 100 20
Harden 19 30
Revenge 25 60 100 10
Brick Break 31 75 100 15
Guillotine 37 30 5
Submission 43 80 80 20
Swords Dance 49 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 7 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 13 100 20
Harden 19 30
Revenge 25 60 100 10
Brick Break 31 75 100 15
Guillotine 37 30 5
Submission 43 80 80 20
Swords Dance 49 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 7 30
Bind 13 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 19 100 20
Harden 25 30
Guillotine 31 30 5
Submission 37 80 80 20
Swords Dance 43 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 13 30
Revenge 18 60 100 10
Brick Break 21 75 100 15
Vital Throw 25 70 10
X-Scissor 30 80 100 15
Thrash 35 120 100 10
Swords Dance 38 20
Submission 42 80 80 20
Guillotine 47 30 5
Superpower 52 120 100 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 12 30
Brick Break 16 75 100 15
X-Scissor 20 80 100 15
Submission 26 80 80 20
Swords Dance 32 20
Thrash 38 120 100 10
Superpower 44 120 100 5
Guillotine 50 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 11 30
Revenge 15 60 100 10
Vital Throw 18 70 10
Double Hit 22 35 90 10
Brick Break 26 75 100 15
Submission 29 80 80 20
X-Scissor 33 80 100 15
Storm Throw 36 60 100 10
Swords Dance 40 20
Thrash 43 120 100 10
Superpower 47 120 100 5
Guillotine 50 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 13 30
Revenge 18 60 100 10
Brick Break 21 75 100 15
Vital Throw 25 70 10
X-Scissor 30 80 100 15
Thrash 35 120 100 10
Swords Dance 38 20
Submission 42 80 80 20
Guillotine 47 30 5
Superpower 52 120 100 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Seismic Toss 25 100 20
Guillotine 30 30 5
Focus Energy 36 30
Harden 43 30
Slash 49 70 100 20
Swords Dance 54 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 7 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 13 100 20
Harden 19 30
Revenge 25 60 100 10
Brick Break 31 75 100 15
Guillotine 37 30 5
Submission 43 80 80 20
Swords Dance 49 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 11 30
Revenge 15 60 100 10
Vital Throw 18 70 10
Double Hit 22 35 90 10
Brick Break 26 75 100 15
X-Scissor 29 80 100 15
Submission 33 80 80 20
Storm Throw 36 60 100 10
Swords Dance 40 20
Thrash 43 120 100 10
Superpower 47 120 100 5
Guillotine 50 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Harden 1 30
Focus Energy 4 30
Bind 8 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 12 100 20
Bug Bite 16 60 100 20
Storm Throw 20 60 100 10
Double Hit 24 35 90 10
Vital Throw 28 70 10
X-Scissor 32 80 100 15
Strength 36 80 100 15
Swords Dance 40 20
Submission 44 80 80 20
Guillotine 48 30 5
Superpower 52 120 100 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 11 30
Revenge 15 60 100 10
Vital Throw 18 70 10
Double Hit 22 35 90 10
Brick Break 26 75 100 15
X-Scissor 29 80 100 15
Submission 33 80 80 20
Storm Throw 36 60 100 10
Swords Dance 40 20
Thrash 43 120 100 10
Superpower 47 120 100 5
Guillotine 50 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 4 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 8 100 20
Harden 11 30
Revenge 15 60 100 10
Brick Break 18 75 100 15
Vital Throw 22 70 10
Submission 26 80 80 20
X-Scissor 29 80 100 15
Storm Throw 33 60 100 10
Thrash 36 120 100 10
Swords Dance 40 20
Superpower 43 120 100 5
Guillotine 47 30 5
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Focus Energy 1 30
Bind 7 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 13 100 20
Harden 19 30
Revenge 25 60 100 10
Brick Break 31 75 100 15
Guillotine 37 30 5
Submission 43 80 80 20
Swords Dance 49 20
Vise Grip 1 55 100 30
Bind 21 15 85 20
Seismic Toss 25 100 20
Guillotine 30 30 5
Focus Energy 36 30
Harden 43 30
Slash 49 70 100 20
Swords Dance 54 20
Moves learned by machines by Pinsir
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Struggle Bug TM76 50 100 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Struggle Bug TM76 50 100 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Headbutt TM02 70 100 15
Curse TM03 10
Toxic TM06 90 10
Rock Smash TM08 40 100 15
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Snore TM13 50 100 15
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Endure TM20 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Swagger TM34 85 15
Sleep Talk TM35 10
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Fury Cutter TM49 40 95 20
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Rock Climb HM08 90 85 20
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Headbutt TM02 70 100 15
Curse TM03 10
Toxic TM06 90 10
Rock Smash TM08 40 100 15
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Snore TM13 50 100 15
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Endure TM20 10
Frustration TM21 100 20
Return TM27 100 20
Double Team TM32 15
Swagger TM34 85 15
Sleep Talk TM35 10
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Fury Cutter TM49 40 95 20
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Rock Climb HM08 90 85 20
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Headbutt TM01 70 100 15
Helping Hand TM03 20
Rest TM05 10
Protect TM07 10
Substitute TM08 10
Dig TM10 80 100 10
Facade TM12 70 100 20
Brick Break TM13 75 100 15
Seismic Toss TM15 100 20
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM24 80 100 15
Toxic TM27 90 10
Bulk Up TM30 20
Outrage TM39 120 100 10
Earthquake TM41 100 100 10
Hyper Beam TM48 150 90 5
Superpower TM49 120 100 5
Stealth Rock TM56 20
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Struggle Bug TM76 50 100 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Secret Power TM94 70 100 20
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Rock Climb HM08 90 85 20
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Endure TM58 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Stealth Rock TM76 20
Captivate TM78 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Sleep Talk TM82 10
Natural Gift TM83 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Substitute TM90 10
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Swords Dance TM03 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Body Slam TM08 85 100 15
Take Down TM09 90 85 20
Double-Edge TM10 120 100 15
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Submission TM17 80 80 20
Seismic Toss TM19 100 20
Rage TM20 20 100 20
Mimic TM31 10
Double Team TM32 15
Bide TM34 10
Rest TM44 10
Substitute TM50 10
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Brutal Swing TM59 60 100 20
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Hyper Beam TM08 150 90 5
Giga Impact TM09 150 90 5
Dig TM15 80 100 10
Rest TM21 10
Rock Slide TM22 75 90 10
Thief TM23 60 100 25
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Attract TM31 100 15
Rain Dance TM33 5
Sunny Day TM34 5
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Helping Hand TM41 20
Revenge TM42 60 100 10
Brick Break TM43 75 100 15
Rock Tomb TM48 60 95 15
Fling TM59 100 10
Round TM76 60 100 15
Bulldoze TM81 60 100 20
False Swipe TM94 40 100 40
Brutal Swing TM97 60 100 20
Swords Dance TR00 20
Body Slam TR01 85 100 15
Earthquake TR10 100 100 10
Focus Energy TR13 30
Substitute TR20 10
Reversal TR21 100 15
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Superpower TR39 120 100 5
Iron Defense TR46 15
Bulk Up TR48 20
Close Combat TR53 120 100 5
X-Scissor TR60 80 100 15
Focus Blast TR64 120 70 5
Stone Edge TR75 100 80 5
Stealth Rock TR76 20
High Horsepower TR94 95 95 10
Throat Chop TR95 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Brutal Swing TM59 60 100 20
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Smack Down TM23 50 100 15
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
False Swipe TM54 40 100 40
Fling TM56 100 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Stone Edge TM71 100 80 5
Swords Dance TM75 20
Struggle Bug TM76 50 100 20
Bulldoze TM78 60 100 20
Rock Slide TM80 75 90 10
X-Scissor TM81 80 100 15
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Rock Smash TM94 40 100 15
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Rock Smash HM06 40 100 15
Focus Punch TM01 150 100 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Bulk Up TM08 20
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Sunny Day TM11 5
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Protect TM17 10
Rain Dance TM18 5
Frustration TM21 100 20
Earthquake TM26 100 100 10
Return TM27 100 20
Dig TM28 80 100 10
Brick Break TM31 75 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Rock Tomb TM39 60 95 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Secret Power TM43 70 100 20
Rest TM44 10
Attract TM45 100 15
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Cut HM01 50 95 30
Strength HM04 80 100 15
Swords Dance TM03 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Body Slam TM08 85 100 15
Take Down TM09 90 85 20
Double-Edge TM10 120 100 15
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Submission TM17 80 80 20
Seismic Toss TM19 100 20
Rage TM20 20 100 20
Mimic TM31 10
Double Team TM32 15
Bide TM34 10
Rest TM44 10
Substitute TM50 10