Artwork of Tapu Lele
Name Tapu Lele (french: Tokopiyon, japonais: カプ・テテフ Tetefu)
Genus Land Spirit Pokémon
Height 1.2 m
Weight 18. kg
  1. Psychic Surge
  2. Telepathy
Egg groups
  1. Undiscovered
Hatch time 4080 steps
Effort points
  • +3 Special Attack
Base experience 285 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 250 000 exp.
Gender ratio Asexual
Color Pink
Capture rate 3
  • Sun

    This guardian deity of Akala is guilelessly cruel. The fragrant aroma of flowers is the source of its energy.

  • Moon

    As it flutters about, it scatters its strangely glowing scales. Touching them is said to restore good health on the spot.

  • Ultra Sun

    It heals the wounds of people and Pokémon by sprinkling them with its sparkling scales. This guardian deity is worshiped on Akala.

  • Ultra Moon

    Although called a guardian deity, Tapu Lele is devoid of guilt about its cruel disposition and can be described as nature incarnate.

Moves learned per level by Tapu Lele
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Confusion 1 50 100 25
Withdraw 1 40
Mean Look 1 5
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Aromatherapy 1 5
Draining Kiss 1 50 100 10
Aromatic Mist 1 20
Psychic Terrain 1 10
Psywave 8 100 15
Psybeam 14 65 100 20
Sweet Scent 20 100 20
Skill Swap 26 10
Psyshock 32 80 100 10
Tickle 38 100 20
Nature’s Madness 43 90 10
Extrasensory 48 80 100 20
Flatter 53 100 15
Moonblast 58 95 100 15
Confusion 1 50 100 25
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Withdraw 5 40
Aromatherapy 10 5
Draining Kiss 15 50 100 10
Psybeam 20 65 100 20
Flatter 25 100 15
Aromatic Mist 30 20
Sweet Scent 35 100 20
Extrasensory 40 80 100 20
Psyshock 45 80 100 10
Mean Look 50 5
Nature’s Madness 55 90 10
Moonblast 60 95 100 15
Tickle 65 100 20
Skill Swap 70 10
Psychic Terrain 75 10
Confusion 1 50 100 25
Withdraw 1 40
Mean Look 1 5
Astonish 1 30 100 15
Aromatherapy 1 5
Draining Kiss 1 50 100 10
Aromatic Mist 1 20
Psychic Terrain 1 10
Psywave 8 100 15
Psybeam 14 65 100 20
Sweet Scent 20 100 20
Skill Swap 26 10
Psyshock 32 80 100 10
Tickle 38 100 20
Nature’s Madness 43 90 10
Extrasensory 48 80 100 20
Flatter 53 100 15
Moonblast 58 95 100 15
Moves learned by machines by Tapu Lele
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Psyshock TM03 80 100 10
Calm Mind TM04 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Taunt TM12 100 20
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Light Screen TM16 30
Protect TM17 10
Safeguard TM20 25
Frustration TM21 100 20
Thunderbolt TM24 90 100 15
Thunder TM25 110 70 10
Return TM27 100 20
Psychic TM29 90 100 10
Shadow Ball TM30 80 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Reflect TM33 20
Torment TM41 100 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Fling TM56 100 10
Charge Beam TM57 50 90 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Psych Up TM77 10
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Nature Power TM96 20
Dazzling Gleam TM99 80 100 10
Hyper Beam TM08 150 90 5
Giga Impact TM09 150 90 5
Light Screen TM17 30
Reflect TM18 20
Safeguard TM19 25
Rest TM21 10
Thief TM23 60 100 25
Snore TM24 50 100 15
Protect TM25 10
Charm TM29 100 20
Sunny Day TM34 5
Facade TM39 70 100 20
Fling TM59 100 10
Power Swap TM60 10
Guard Swap TM61 10
Speed Swap TM62 10
Psycho Cut TM69 70 100 20
Wonder Room TM71 10
Magic Room TM72 10
Round TM76 60 100 15
Draining Kiss TM87 50 100 10
Psychic Terrain TM91 10
Thunderbolt TR08 90 100 15
Thunder TR09 110 70 10
Psychic TR11 90 100 10
Substitute TR20 10
Psyshock TR25 80 100 10
Endure TR26 10
Sleep Talk TR27 10
Shadow Ball TR33 80 100 15
Future Sight TR34 120 100 10
Taunt TR37 100 20
Skill Swap TR40 10
Iron Defense TR46 15
Calm Mind TR49 20
Focus Blast TR64 120 70 5
Energy Ball TR65 90 100 10
Grass Knot TR77 100 20
Stored Power TR82 20 100 10
Ally Switch TR83 15
Play Rough TR90 90 90 10
Dazzling Gleam TR92 80 100 10
Psyshock TM03 80 100 10
Calm Mind TM04 20
Toxic TM06 90 10
Hidden Power TM10 60 100 15
Confide TM100 20
Sunny Day TM11 5
Taunt TM12 100 20
Hyper Beam TM15 150 90 5
Light Screen TM16 30
Protect TM17 10
Safeguard TM20 25
Frustration TM21 100 20
Thunderbolt TM24 90 100 15
Thunder TM25 110 70 10
Return TM27 100 20
Psychic TM29 90 100 10
Shadow Ball TM30 80 100 15
Double Team TM32 15
Reflect TM33 20
Torment TM41 100 15
Facade TM42 70 100 20
Thief TM46 60 100 25
Round TM48 60 100 15
Echoed Voice TM49 40 100 15
Focus Blast TM52 120 70 5
Energy Ball TM53 90 100 10
Fling TM56 100 10
Charge Beam TM57 50 90 10
Giga Impact TM68 150 90 5
Psych Up TM77 10
Grass Knot TM86 100 20
Swagger TM87 85 15
Sleep Talk TM88 10
Substitute TM90 10
Nature Power TM96 20
Dazzling Gleam TM99 80 100 10