Artwork of Wynaut
Name Wynaut (french: Okéoké, japonais: ソーナノ Sohnano)
Genus Bright Pokémon
Height 0.6 m
Weight 14 kg
  1. Shadow Tag
  2. Telepathy
Egg groups
  1. Undiscovered
Hatch time 5355 steps
Effort points
  • +1 HP
Base experience 52 exp.
Experience at level 100 1 000 000 exp.
Gender ratio 50.0% female, 50.0% male
Color Blue
Capture rate 125
  • Ruby

    WYNAUT can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this POKéMON will be slapping the ground with its tail.

  • Sapphire

    WYNAUT gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this POKéMON gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks.

  • Emerald

    A WYNAUT loves to eat sweet fruits. It cleverly picks fruits using its earlike arms. They gather in fruit gardens, drawn by the fragrance.

  • FireRed

    It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave.

  • LeafGreen

    It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave.

  • Diamond

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • Pearl

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • Platinum

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • HeartGold

    It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash against one another to toughen their spirits.

  • SoulSilver

    It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash against one another to toughen their spirits.

  • Black

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • White

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • Black 2

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • White 2

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • X

    It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave.

  • Y

    It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit.

  • Omega Ruby

    Wynaut can always be seen with a big, happy smile on its face. Look at its tail to determine if it is angry. When angered, this Pokémon will be slapping the ground with its tail.

  • Alpha Sapphire

    Wynaut gather on moonlit nights to play by squeezing up against each other. By being squeezed, this Pokémon gains endurance and is trained to dole out powerful counterattacks.

  • Sword

    It tends to move in a pack. Individuals squash against one another to toughen their spirits.

  • Shield

    It tends to move in a pack with others. They cluster in a tight group to sleep in a cave.

Moves learned per level by Wynaut
Name Level Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Counter 1 100 20
Amnesia 1 20
Splash 1 40
Destiny Bond 1 5
Charm 1 100 20
Safeguard 1 25
Encore 1 100 5
Mirror Coat 1 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Splash 1 40
Charm 1 100 20
Encore 1 100 5
Counter 15 100 20
Destiny Bond 15 5
Safeguard 15 25
Mirror Coat 15 100 20
Moves learned by machines by Wynaut
Name TM Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Safeguard TM20 25
Safeguard TM20 25
Safeguard TM19 25
Charm TM29 100 20
Amnesia TR17 20
Encore TR30 100 5
Safeguard TM20 25
Safeguard TM20 25